To organize a refund by agreement between the tenant and agent or landlord, a final inspection should be arranged with everyone present. Ideally this will be at a time when you can all be there to inspect the property together for any damage or areas that need cleaning. Minor issues can be raised and dealt with during this inspection. The final official condition report is completed at the end of this inspection.
- This is before keys are handed back to the landlord.
- Never sign a blank Claim for Refund of Bond Money or Security deposit form.
- Always double check the bond refund amounts are filled in with the agreed on amounts before the form is signed.
If both tenant and landlord agree on how the bond should be paid out the process is fairly straight forward. For example, if everyone agrees on how the bond will be paid out in NSW, the landlord or agent can sign a Claim for Refund of Bond Money form and the landlord, agent or the tenant can lodge it with Fair Trading. It is a similar process in all states and territories for undisputed bond refunds.
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These legal guides provide a brief summary and introduction of the laws and regulations affecting renting. They do not cover all cases and might not apply to your specific rental property situation. It is important that you use this information as a guide only and seek independent Legal Advice or consult the Relevant Legislation. Snug does not accept any liability that may arise from the use of this information.