A Background Check is not required but can strengthen your profile.
Renters can use the Background Check to validate their identity as well as rental and financial history.
Snug enables users to purchase a Background Check, including a National Tenancy Database check powered by Equifax on these terms http://www.tenancydatabase.com.au/terms
The Background Check includes:
- ID Verification
- National Tenancy Database check
- Bankruptcy and court debt records check
- ASIC directorships check
- Visa status
A payment may be required for a Background check and details of your identity document (driver’s license or passport) is required. Once the Background Check report is complete, you can choose whether to attach the Background Check result to your profile.
To get a Background Check report, visit here.
A Background Check is valid for 6 months and can be reused for multiple applications.
Here's a useful article from independent consumer group Choice about tenant screening and background checks:
A renter may request a free (twice yearly) National Tenancy Database report only directly through our service provider Equifax.
*Same report - means that Snug uses the same data service provider Equifax, as other Tenancy Verification services on portals or application solutions, to verify the same renter data and generate the same results, however the report design varies.