Some States in Australia have imposed restrictions on selling the Background Check service directly to consumers who are seeking rental properties within that State or if residing in that State. This means you may not be presented with the option to purchase a Background Check report.
Snug checks your Snug Profile Address history for Current Address and also checks the rental property advert for which you intend to apply and removes the option to purchase the Background Check report.
Reports purchased prior to the introduction of the legislative restriction will remain displayed only in your renter profile. However it will not be provided to any other person including a property manager located in that State.
Limitations on the service are operating in:
* New South WalesNew South Wales
Due to recent law reforms, this product is no longer permitted to be sold to renters of premises in NSW. Unfortunately, we experienced a technical issue that permitted renters of premises in NSW to purchase a Background Check. We apologise for the oversight that allowed this to occur. As a result of discovering this issue, we are providing refunds to all renters who purchased a Background Check since 31 October 2024. The refund will be automatically applied to the credit card that was used to purchase the Background Check. Please allow 5-10 days for the refund to appear on your card statement. We sincerely regret any confusion this may have caused and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
* South Australia