At Snug, we care about your online safety and want to ensure all of our users are informed about the risks and take precautions to stay safe online.
10 Tips to cyber safety:
1. Never share your sensitive information with unknown persons insecurely online. Instead, enter information in secure environments such as trusted apps requiring password login and best practices.
2. Report any suspicious emails to Snug ( for our security team to investigate. Snug will never ask you to provide your sensitive information via email.
3. Be cautious of suspicious rental listings. If the listing looks too good to be true, it's best to report this to our security team to investigate & confirm whether it is legitimate or not. Last-minute offers, cash only or ambiguous contact details and poor communication might suggest a fraudster.
4. Be wary of agents asking you to communicate off the platform; Snug is here to ensure safe communication between agents & renters.
5. Be careful paying large sums of money (a deposit) before viewing the property. Legitimate agents might take a holding fee of around one week's rent. Generally, the bond and additional rent are requested after signing the lease.
6. Cross-check property listing details - sometimes scammers may create fake listings in a completely different location using an agent's details.
7. Don't share login details - keep your password private and secure, don't share it even with loved ones.
8. Change your password - regularly change your password and use letters and characters if possible.
9. Use safe computers - if you are at home, run virus scans, and if using a library or public computer, check that your documents and logins are not stored and are wiped after your session.
10. Update your internet browser - get the latest protection using Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Bing.
For more information, we encourage you to review this guide to cyber security by the Australian Government: ACSC Cyber Security Guide.
Report suspicious behaviour
If in doubt, contact our security team (, who will be able to assist best & confirm whether a situation is safe on Snug.
Scams should also be reported to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission's Scam Watch: