Snug includes an integrated Background Check (via Equifax) that generates an instant report:
- ID Verification (Passport or Drivers Licence)
- National Tenancy Database check
- Bankruptcy and Court debt records check
- ASIC directorships check
- Visa status
Snug offers property managers on paid plans, Background Checks at $9 exc GST per report. You'll benefit from our volume discounts, it's a lower cost than agencies purchasing direct from Equifax. Agencies wont need to pay a separate additional cost to Equifax, the same report is delivered by Snug instantly at a lower cost!
Please visit for details. Reports are billed end of each month. Team Admins can turn ON the Equifax Background Check via Settings / Team / Screening / Equifax. Alternatively please email submit a request to turn ON or OFF this Equifax facility.
Processing a Background Check
On selected Snug pricing plans, a team can directly process a Background Check for an applicant.
To run a Background Check, the application must:
- be Shortlisted / in a Pre-Approved stage
- contain the appropriate Identity and supporting details
Once the appropriate details are present and the application is shortlisted, the Background Check can be processed.
Once processed, the Background Check summary will be displayed and clicking View Report will show the relevant details of the report
Q. How do we know if a NTD check has been completed?
A. The Background Check appears on the Application in real time. A summary report is shown on screen and the property manager can click to view the detailed report.
Q. How are agencies invoiced?
A. The successfully run Background Checks are summarised in the Activity tab. An invoice is sent monthly for the number of successful reports.
Q. Can the BGC report be skipped?
A. The property manager can choose to not run the report. Future feature enhancement would be to update in settings to exclude the property from BGC.
Q. Who in the team can run a Background Check?
A. All team members that have access to the application details page can run the report ie. Admin, Property Managers, Leasing Consultant but NOT Casual Inspectors.
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