Snug enables Pre-Apply so renters can submit their details and property managers can optimise viewings with potentially suitable rental prospects rather than general open homes. Pre-Apply helps renters and property managers save time and better match their requirements.
How Pre-Apply Works
- Renters enquire on a property and receive the Pre-Apply link or start applications via the Snug property page.
- Renters complete the disclosure that they are pre-applying and conditionally accept the property as presented online subject to a viewing
- Property managers receive and manage the application and can then schedule a viewing with the selected applicants/prospects from the specific Application, Messages or in Viewings.
- Viewings will NOT display on the property page, they will be suppressed.
- Email auto-responder will NOT include the viewing times, prospects will be requested to Pre-Apply.
- Property Managers can schedule viewings with the selected applicants as either private appointments or open homes. Only open home times will be sent to active prospects. Alternatively a private appointment can set for the preferred applicant.
Example of the Enquiry Auto-Responder message:
How to set up Pre-Apply
- Login to your Team Account,
- Go to Settings / Applications and select Pre-Apply.
Tip: Use the context menu [...] to Schedule Viewing from an Application.