From time to time, a bulk update of all currently listed rental properties might be required to refresh the listing content and listing agent details.
For example when the assigned property manager needs updating across your team so notifications are delivered to the appropriate team member.
To perform a bulk update, there are two options:
- Manual - select each property in your property uploader, make a small text change and click to save and republish to Snug. Allow 15-30mins for the property to appear in your Snug Overview.
- Contact support for your property uploader and request that they republish all your current rental listings only. This will send ALL available rental listings to Snug.
The systems will synchronise details for active properties on Snug (listed in the last 60 days) that are refreshed so there is no need to archive, just leave active on Snug and the listing agent/property images etc will be updated.
Manual refresh
This option is best suited if you only have a small number of properties to update.
To do a manual refresh, make a small text update to each property listing (e.g. add some punctuation) and save/update/upload.
Refreshed by uploader support team
This option is best suited if you have a large number of properties to update and requires assistance from the support team from the uploader.
To request a bulk update/refresh from your uploader's support team, please have your authorised Administrator use the following template to your respective uploader's support email address.
Before requesting the refresh from your property uploader, please ARCHIVE all inactive (leased/lost/not advertised) properties in Snug to ensure that only your active rental list is available. Send the template below and cc Snug support.
===== Template ====
To: <insert your uploader's support email address>
Please refresh all open rental listings to Snug. Our office / agency ID is: <insert ID>
<Insert your name>