Snug supports importing a CSV file of enquirers to speed up the transition to the Snug. Importing is a simple, three step process:
1. Preparing your data
What you need:
- Your existing enquirer list, which can be exported from your existing inspection booking or enquirer handling system
- The import format (matches IRE export format) (example)
NOTE: Enquiry dates will be the enquiry date from the import file, not the date of import.
Spending some time preparing your existing enquirer data will result in a smooth import. Review and update your existing enquirer data to make sure:
- You have your full enquirer list
- The addresses assigned to enquirers are full and correct (e.g. 388 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Not 388 George St)
- Enquirer details include appropriate email address and phone
- Enquirer details include appropriate rent, bedrooms and bath
- Correct any typos or mistakes (e.g. incorrect or outdated names)
You can typically make these updates in your existing inspection booking or enquirer handling system or export the enquirer data and use your favourite spreadsheet editor using find and replace, e.g. Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. If you don't have an existing inspection booking or enquirer handling system, you can add your enquirers:
- manually in Snug by clicking the Add enquirer button on the messages page
- by manually adding them to a CSV file and importing, or
- by setting up enquiry forwarding and wait for the current enquirers to populate
NOTE: importing will not de-duplicate enquirers. Each enquirer will be imported that's included in the file to be imported.
Once your data is cleaned, place it in the import format (example) (this is the same export format from IRE). One example row is shown in each. Please ensure at least the fields in the examples are present and the address format matches in the example CSVs.
2. Importing
What you need:
- Ensure that the current set of properties is uploaded/added to Snug (important to ensure recent enquiries can be linked to current properties)
- A correctly formatted CSV file with your enquirer data
- Logged into your Snug team as a team admin
To Import, navigate to My Team -> Messages -> (...) -> Import Enquirers
The results of the import will be presented.
If there are any enquirers that are not able to be imported, please note the error, make the necessary corrections and re-upload the file by clicking "retry".
Things to note:
- If Snug creates a new property when importing the enquirer, it will be assigned to the default contact details for the team. The assigned manager for the property can be updated by editing the onlist details
- If you're exporting from Inspect Real Estate, you can import the enquirer export CSV file directly.
3. Checking
Once you've prepared and imported your data, it can be checked by visiting My Team -> Messages and noting the enquirers that were from the CSV file.
Common questions
Q: Will importing enquirers create historical properties in my team?
A: No, if the property has already been uploaded/added and the address matches, importing will link the enquirer to the property. If the property does not exist (or does not exactly match address), the enquirer will still be imported and tagged with the enquiry address but no property will be shown in the Overview (active or archived).
Q: How many enquirers can I import?
A: We limit the number of enquirers that can be imported to 50,000.