Snug’s unique Enquiry Auto Responder nurtures email enquirers through a leasing journey with automated replies to viewing and applications.
Benefits to the office
- Automate portal replies (see example)
- Prospect new and matching listings
- Notify new or cancelled viewing times
- Drive more utility leads
Quick start
Add the Snug Messages Inbox email address to the listing agent profile on
- Update the listing agent on
- Enable the Auto Responder from the Prompt on the Messages page or by contacting
Send a test enquiry by enquiring on a property for the updated listing agent
For details on how to enable enquiry forwarding from or through using your property uploader, please see: Updating listing agent email in your Property Uploader
How to configure Enquiry Auto Replies
The set up depends on your staff and inbox set up. Review the diagram below and choose your Option.
To turn on Enquiry Auto Responses, forward your email enquiries to Snug.
Step 1. Choose your Staff and Inbox Set Up
Please pick the situation that best describes your existing Team and Enquiry Inbox setup and follow the set up guide article below:
Option 1A: Staff handle both rental and sales listings and enquiries are sent directly to individuals
Option 1B: Staff handle both rental and sales listings and enquiries are sent to a shared team inbox
Option 2A: Staff handle only rental listings and enquiries are sent directly to individuals
Option 2B: Staff handle only rental listings and enquiries are sent to a shared team inbox
NOTE: if team members would like to receive the original enquiries from, and other portals, please use option 1A.
Step 2. Test an Enquiry
Ensure the team autoresponder is enabled by having a team admin can check it is turned on in My Team -> Settings -> Team -> Status.
Once enabled, submit an enquiry on, and your own direct website and check your Snug Messages Inbox. Tip: allow up to 15 mins for the email to filter through.
Common questions
Q: How do I find the Snug Messages inbox address?
A: A team admin can check that the Snug Messages inbox address by ensuring the enquiry auto responder is turned on and copying the email address My Team -> Settings -> Team -> Status
Q: Can I customise or add attachments to the enquiry auto-responses?
A: The Snug auto-responder is dynamic and customisable by:
- Automatically and dynamically generating the responses based on the property/listing data and common questions, the availability of viewings and the team application & viewing settings (e.g. Viewing Schedule / ideal week).
- Agency logo through setting up the agency branding
- Attaching custom PDF documents
Attaching documents can be done by visiting My Team -> Settings -> Applications and uploading the desired PDF documents. These will be included on all auto-responses.
Q: The listing agent profile on my published portals (e.g., etc) has been updated but the enquiries are not showing in the messages inbox.
A: If this is the case, please proceed with the following diagnostics.:
1. Check listing agent has the [Snug unique email for Message Inbox] setup in their Profile (on portal and uploader)
Ensure that the listing agent is updated to the Snug Messages inbox email address for each of the rental listing agents in your uploader and portals: Updating listing agent email in your Property Uploader. Once complete and the property is republished. Wait for 15 minutes and then send a test enquiry. If not working, proceed to next step.
2. Check the Listing Agent is attached to the Property
!! If you have two profiles on REA (personal) and generic, check the right profile is attached to the Listing.
3. Check your Status to ensure the Autoresponder is turned ON.
Request a team admin re-check that the enquiry autoresponder is turned on in My Team -> Settings -> Team -> Status. Turn on if not enabled and send a test and it should arrive in your Snug Messages inbox in a few moments. If not, proceed to the the next step.
4. Test your Autoresponder emails
- Ensure that the Snug Messages inbox address is receiving messages (e.g. send a test email to your Messages Inbox email eg, next to the enquiry autoresponder setting when "On" from the previous step) by sending it a message direct email from your email client. This should show in the Snug Messages inbox in a few moments. If not, please Submit a request to our support team. You should a) receive the Autoreply and b) see the enquiry in Messages.
- If the previous checks are all successful, please contact your account representative from the Portal where the enquiry is not being forwarded from and request assistance in unblocking the enquiry forwarding to the your Snug Messages inbox address. Please let us know the outcomes by submitting a request to our support team.
NOTE: if you're not using the Snug Messages inbox email address directly on listing profiles and have a different email forwarding configuration, please submit a request to our support team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I turn of auto-responder replies?
A: It is recommended to always leave the auto-responder active during normal operation to provide effective guidance to enquirers and optimise the leasing journey for renters and property managers. If you need to disable the enquiry Auto responder, please deactivate from My Team -> Settings -> Team -> Status.
Q: How can I forward enquiries to another system like a CRM?
A: Please see the frequently asked questions here: Mail forwarding from your Email Hosting provider to your Snug Messages Inbox
Need more help?
Submit a request to our support team and include:
- your staff and inbox Option selected
- screenshot of your Property Uploader, listing profile assigned email